miercuri, 28 mai 2008

Indiana Jay And The Raiders Of The Lost Tank

In case you didn't get it, that "whip" in Jay's hand is in fact a shower hose (i don't know the exact name)....yup...Jay can really get in the atmosphere when watching Indy movies, and so can I :)

luni, 26 mai 2008

Social Awareness

From time to time i have humanitarian ideas...remember: exploiting children is not the solution!

vineri, 23 mai 2008

Nope, not today

I was at Indiana Jones 4 last night....or at least should have been; at the entrance they said it's for people with invitations only. Fuck that shit!!!

I saw a dumb blonde. I bet all my paycheck she didn't have any idea what movie is on or shit like that, but hey, she had an invitation;...so the blonde got in, and i, the die hard fan, was out.

So i got out to drink a couple of beers and chill...in the process i forgot to make a new episode...so that's that.

PS: for peoples who are sympathetic to my loss, donations are always welcomed. :)

miercuri, 21 mai 2008

vineri, 16 mai 2008


To some of my friends, this is a weird word "work". Neeeever heard of it...

(I'm just envious) :)

miercuri, 14 mai 2008

luni, 12 mai 2008


The leg, more or less ready.

Special Report

vineri, 9 mai 2008

WIP Render of Jay 2

I've done the arms and hands; they need a little more tweaking i think. And a fat sexy ass :)

They Come From The Dark...

joi, 8 mai 2008

WIP Render of Jay

Hello. This is a work in progress version of the 3D Jay. Still a lot of stuff to do, but i begin to like this :) Probably until i'll get to the tricky parts.

Well, cheers, stay tuned and visit tomorrow for the latest episode.

- E.

miercuri, 7 mai 2008


Well, i never thought i would see this day, but here is episode number 50. I want to thank all the boys and girls who check this little page and i want to tell you that if you continue to support me (by sending this page to as many of your friends as possible :D) i will try to buy a domain and have a real page (with fewer loading times, archives and other stuff).

Heck, i might even quit my job so i can do the comic properly :D

So, thanks again, and see you at 100.


luni, 5 mai 2008

Give Him The Finger!

Ok, i am back! Before i left for my vacation (it was short, by the way), i announced some surprises for when i will be back.

So here they are: First of them, is that this episode (and "Hamsters of Death") are part of a mini-series. I hope it will be fun and show you the destructive powers of evil (insert joke here).

Second is that i began learning 3DMax again, and i plan that in the future to be able to make the entire comic in 3D. I bet that will kill the competition \:D/

Here is a first sample (still much work to do):